Patent search and analysis

Information is a valuable asset for a company. Experts with extensive experience and expertise protect clients’ information and support intellectual property activities.

Type of search

Prior art search
Before filing an application (before filing a request for examination), check whether there is any prior art similar to the content of the invention (the claims at the time of requesting examination).
Infringement search
Check whether there are any other companies’ patents that may hinder the manufacture, sale, and use of the developed products and technologies.
Theme search
Collect documents related to a specific technical theme for technical research, product development, etc.
Invalidity search
Collect documents to invalidate other companies’ patents that hinder the development, manufacture, and sale of products.
Progress search
For a specific application, search the progress after the application and the current situation (examination, trial, annuity, etc.).
Patent family search
Search for the country in which the corresponding patent is disclosed or registered based on the patent application number of each country.

Work content

Technical content analysis / classification assignment for patent and technical document

Create a classification system and assign classifications to the extracted patents. Set the classification system during the meeting at the time of request.
It is also possible to make a proposal based on the information obtained in the course of the search.


Abstract creation

Abstract: A concise summary of the key points of the invention, visualized using diagrams and colors.

[Example of use]

  • Use as patent explanation materials for top management and development engineers.
  • Use as a reference for understanding the content of the patent in question.
  • Use as patent explanatory materials for sales staff. (hold explanatory meetings on patents owned by the company, etc.)

Patent map creation

Patent map: Patent information is organized and analyzed, and compiled into graphs, drawings, tables, etc.

[Example of use]

  • To know the direction of new technological developments
  • To know needs / seeds
  • To explore the possibility of new entry
  • To know the system of technology
  • To know the trends of other companies.

Work flow

  1. Meeting with client
    Discuss the following:
    – Search objectives, background, search perspective, target technologies, search target countries, report contents
    – Delivery date, budget, and other requests
  2. Consideration of search method
    Based on the contents of the meeting,
    – Grasp patent classification / keywords, search period, search tools, and number of searches.
    – Consider the required man-hours, etc. by a preliminary search.
  3. Estimation
    Based on the results of the preliminary search, create an estimation to match the budget.
    *Propose multiple patterns depending on the situation.
  4. Search
    Experienced searchers perform screening efficiently. Depending on the content of the search, check a specific part or the full text of the patent publication.
  5. Interim report
    Provide interim reports as necessary.
  6. Search results report
    Create reports that are simple and to the point.
    Deliver in a delivery format requested (paper, electronic data, etc.).